Understanding how our bodies manage energy and adapt to exercise demands of is crucial in medicine, particularly for addressing metabolic diseases like obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. These conditions are closely tied to the body`s ability to balance energy intake and expenditure. Contrary to its passive image, adipose tissue, or body fat, is a dynamic endocrine organ that actively regulates metabolism. It secretes hormones that play a pivotal role in controlling how we process and utilize energy. However, we still have much to learn about how adipose tissue manages energy balance, especially in response to sustained exercise.
Kisspeptin, a peptide encoded by the Kiss1 gene is promising molecule, is a promising molecule in this domain. Initially recognized for its role in reproductive health, kisspeptin has recently been found to influence metabolic pathways in the brain and various tissues, opening intriguing possibilities for its role in energy regulation. Could adipose-derived kisspeptin be harnessed into to enhance the body’s response to exercise, improve metabolic health, and even help prevent chronic diseases? Addressing these questions is essential because current methods for managing metabolic health and maximizing exercise benefits – mainly diet, medication, medications, and general exercise guidelines-do not fully leverage the body’s natural molecular mechanisms for energy balance. Adding another layer of complexity, individual responses to exercise vary significantly, often depending on factors such as sex. This variability underscores the importance of identifying specific molecules like kisspeptin that could drive these difference. Uncovering kisspeptin’s role in energy regulation pave the way for new therapies to optimize the benefits of exercise at a cellular level, providing a more tailored approach to metabolic health.
This is precisely what Professor Yi Yan from Beijing Sports University and her colleagues, including Dr. Chunyu Liang, Dr. Xuehan Li, Ge Song, Professor Søren Fisker Schmidt, Lingyu Sun, Jianhao Chen, Dr. Xinliang Pan, and Haotian Zhao, sought to investigate. In a study recently published in FASEB Journal, they explored the role of kisspeptin produced by fat tissue and its influence on body`s adaptation to aerobic exercise. To understand how kisspeptin affects energy utilize during exercise, the researchers worked with two specially modified groups of mice. In one group, they disabled kisspeptin production specifically in fat tissue, preventing the mice from synthesizing this peptide in their fat cells. In the other group, they enhanced kisspeptin production in fat. This approach allowed the team to how metabolic processes changed when adipose kisspeptin levels were altered, especially in response to exercise. They fund those female mice lacing kisspeptin in their fat exhibited signs of insulin resistance and lower levels of adiponectin- a hormone that helps regulate glucose levels. Interestingly, these effects were less pronounced in male mice, suggesting that kisspeptin may play a particularly important role in females for maintaining to energy balance and glucose control. Delving deeper, the researchers examined the aerobic oxidation function of adipose tissue. To investigate if kisspeptin’s effects extended beyond fat to muscle tissue, which is vital during physical activity, the researchers measured the levels of PGC-1α- a protein essential for muscle energy production. In female mice lacking adipose-derived kisspeptin, PGC-1α levels in muscle were noticeably lower, alongside reduced kisspeptin in the bloodstream, likely contributing to diminished muscle function. In contrast, female mice with elevated kisspeptin showed higher PGC-1α levels, indicating that kisspeptin from fat may enhance muscle performance during exercise. Further, when they treated isolated fat and muscle cells with a synthetic kisspeptin analog, they observed activation of genes involved in energy production pathways. These cellular findings mirrored the results seen in the mice, supporting the idea that adipose-derived kisspeptin optimizes energy use, particularly in females. Overall, these finding highlight kisspeptin as a promising target for enhancing metabolic health and energy efficiency, potentially paving the way for new therapeutic strategies.
In conclusion, Professor Yi Yan and her colleagues have uncovered a key role of kisspeptin, produced by fat tissue, in regulating the body’s metabolic response to exercise. Their finding reveal that kisspeptin helps control glucose levels and enhances aerobic capacity, making it a promising target for therapies designed to strengthen the body’s resilience to metabolic challenges. This research is especially relevant in today`s context, as lifestyle-related metabolic diseases continue to increase. Therapies that improve energy efficiency and enhance the body’s natural adaptation to exercise could significantly impact long-term health and quality of life for many individuals.
What’s particularly compelling about this study is how it reframes our understanding of fat tissue, not as passive energy reserve but as an active regulator of metabolism. These findings could reshape approaches in sports medicine and metabolic health, opening possibilities to leverage kisspeptin pathways for maximizing the benefits of exercise at a molecular level. The study also highlights that kisspeptin’s effect are more pronounced in females, suggesting that treatments targeting this pathway could be tailored for personalized therapies in certain metabolic conditions. Practically speaking, this research points to potential treatments that could use kisspeptin analogs or stimulate the body’s natural production of kisspeptin in fat tissue. By enhancing cellular energy production and glucose regulation, therapies targeting kisspeptin could provide an innovative way to prevent or manage conditions where energy use is impaired. Such treatments due to physical limitations, as kisspeptin-based treatments might offer some of the metabolic benefits of exercise without the physical strain.
Liang C, Li X, Song G, et al. Adipose Kiss1 controls aerobic exercise-related adaptive responses in adipose tissue energy homeostasis. The FASEB Journal. 2024; 38:e23743. doi:10.1096/fj.202302598RR