How Medicine Innovates is working to promote your research

In this article, we explore how Medicine Innovates and its editors are working together to ensure that your featured paper receive the recognition it deserves.

First of all, we ask the question: How to find the most important research and significant results in a certain medical field?

  1. Try reading papers from well-known authors considered the world scholars in that field.
  2. Read a review about the research subject from an established investigator.
  3. Look up for related publications in top journals such as Nature, Science, and Cell.
  4. Search PubMed although the most common method, but expect thousands of papers which for a non-expert in the field will be hard to evaluate which is a high quality paper and which is not.
  5. Medicine Innovates is an excellent research news portal that can provide breaking research mainly submitted by institutions. It is very wide and present wide variety of fields from engineering to medicine.
  6. Medicine Innovates series homepage is a specialized and focused only medical research news that select only the papers that believed to have an impact on the studied medical field. An invitation by Medicine Innovates to authors to feature their work is a strong acknowledgement of their research excellence. To maintain high quality and standards majority of papers is invited rather than submitted by authors (Medicine Innovates policy is we welcome proposed papers from the authors, which undergo review for suitability and whether it will be of interest to a wide audience, if not an apology letter will be sent back to the authors).

Why publicize your research?

  1. Increase the national/regional profile of your research
  2. Enhance awareness of your research with current and prospective funders/grant agencies.
  3. Contribute to public understanding of important issues by sharing your  expertise/findings.


Medicine Innovates Key Scientific Articles the outreach

For research to be discovered and acknowledged, it must be widely accessible and cited in a consistent and clear manner in the scientific literature. It’s a competitive environment for researchers today. Scientists and professors are constantly asked to create lots of supporting evidence that helps explain their work and its significance and impact to granting agencies, research institutions, peers and students. Indeed, funding agencies now often ask including references to public engagement (non-scientific audience). Their desire to measure and to improve the returns on their investments emphasizes accountability and dissemination

Medicine Innovates evaluates and selects papers as key scientific articles on evidence of contribution, impact, peer-review and creativity. Medicine Innovates can provide medical researchers with the tools to share the published research more widely and thus maximizing visibility. The featured authors will contribute a “significance Statement” which summarize the importance of their work in an understandable way to a large audience. An eye catching image can speak a thousand words is usually included. The image, usually never been published before, but it is possible to re-use a previously published image after taking permission from the publisher. Medicine Innovates encourages the featured authors to say something about themselves and their research interests as well as an author photo. In collaboration with the authors Medicine Innovates decide on the most proper targeted audience for the paper: Key scientific articles, key clinical research articles, key medical diagnostics articles, key nanotechnology articles or key stem cell research articles. Medicine Innovates will disseminate the medical research news on its portal, and a whole range of communications including social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram and Google+.

Medicine Innovates the Advantage

  1. The design of Medicine Innovates with its (Significance Statement “both academic and non-academic audience”, eye-catching image, authors’ bio and published abstract) appeals not only to scientists and professors but also to the general public and policy makers. Medicine Innovates Increase readership for featured papers (key scientific articles) and enhance the reputation of the featured authors within their scientific communities and even beyond to society in general.
  2. Instead of waiting several months to get citations for your paper you can have a feedback about your paper way faster.
  3. Medicine Innovates allows you to often reach a different demographic than usual promotional channels.
  4. With more visibility more researchers will download your paper. This will promote your public image and furthering your career.

Global Medical Discovery the use of social media to support research -

How featured authors can help Medicine Innovates in promoting further their own research?

Driving usage and readership is critically important to raise the visibility of your research. Medicine Innovates is one of the most highly visited medical research news focused web sites, with over half of our traffic originating directly from Google, Google Scholar and other search engines. Medicine Innovates has a robust search engine optimization strategy and we are actively engaged in ensuring that all of our featured key scientific article content is visible and high ranking in the search results of Google and other engines. One of the key factors in sustaining long-term usage for your research is through search engine optimization (SEO). Authors can also play a crucial role in optimizing search results at the article level by following the tips below.

In the significance statement as well as in the authors’ research interest it is important to focus on the keywords the researchers wish to be known for. This way Medicine Innovates with its high traffic will optimize the featured article SEO to ensure your name and research appears on top in Google and other search engines.

We encourage the featured author to spread the news about the Medicine Innovates own feature paper through their own social media channels and have a link back to the feature key scientific article on Medicine Innovates:

  1. If you use Twitter [To encourage sharing – use hashtags relevant to the research subject,  Use Symplur which will suggest to you the most common healthcare hashtags to use], LinkedInFacebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+ or other social media platforms, share the link of Medicine Innovates featured paper.
  2.  If you run a blog, add a post about your article [Let the editorial team at Medicine Innovates know about your post – they can help spread the word by promoting your post on their social media accounts]. If you have a contact who runs a blog, ask them to help promote your work.
  3. Share the link of featured key scientific article on your profile on professional and academic researchers networking sites such as: ResearchGate, Mendeley,, CiteULike or Loop.
  4. Use slideshare which is an online resource for sharing slides ( to upload few slides about the featured article with the links.
  5. Update your publication list on your lab and departmental website, and include a link to the featured paper at Medicine Innovates.
  6. Research institutes and universities often have a communications office team who may want to highlight your featured paper at Medicine Innovates [include the link] in their own press release or university news website.

If these steps are taken, your featured paper will significantly strengthen its ranking in search engines and make it skyrocket and become the top ranked on the web, you will notice a spike in downloads and eventually increase citations.

Keep up-to-date: Read Key Scientific Articles at Medicine Innovates

Over a million articles in medical and life sciences research likely to be published this year. Even if 10% are in your  research discipline still your paper you published will face a large competition for readers, downloads, citations, and media attention.  Indeed, researchers spend thousands of hours with less of an optimum search for the latest papers in their field. No need to struggle anymore to identify quality papers, keep reading regularly Medicine Innovates to be up-to-date with what’s the breaking news on medical research.

Medicine Innovates ensures that the results of excellent medical and life sciences research are rapidly disseminate throughout the world, in a fashion that conveys their significance for advancing scientific knowledge and promote better health for human kind.

Let Medicine Innovates maximize the impact of your published research!